Supporting your first try! Feature on "My first image maker" (held in Nov.)
As part of our always running Picrew feature program, we will be bringing you a “First Time Image Maker” feature in November!
In this feature, we will pick up and introduce the works created for the first time by our creators.
(*We will pick up from makers who have been tagged by October 20.)
If you are a new image maker, please add the “firstimgmaker” tag when you publish (release) your work. Adding this tag will make your work more easily searchable and increase your chances of being enjoyed by more users.
Of course, you may also add the “firstimgmaker” tag to your past works!
Please take advantage of this opportunity to have your work seen by as many people as possible.
Please check the image below or
the support site for information on how to add tags.
STEP1:Click the “Edit” button to access the “Change image maker information” screen.
STEP2: Enter “firstimgmaker” and other words related to the image maker in the tags.
Our staff looks forward to the release of many new image makers!